What is a PIP?

[Note: This is work-in-progress for a proposal heavily inspired by similar mechanisms from other communities (see Related) and adapted to the needs of the Prolog language community.]

A PIP (Prolog Improvement Proposal) is a design document providing information to the Prolog community about the design and implementation of new developments related to the Prolog language, such as new features or libraries.


The purpose of this PIPs collection is to act as a indexed repository of language and system-specific proposals that may be of interests for the Prolog community, and to document interesting information regarding their benefits, inconveniences, support status, etc. PIPs also can serve as a link between systems, papers, implementors, researchers, and advanced users.

The purpose of a PIP and the responsabilities of its authors are:

PIP Types

We consider the following types of PIPs:

PIP Workflow

A PIP is a text document (formatted in markdown) that must include a header with metadata about the proposal followed by the body of the proposal.

PIP Header

PIP: <PIP id>
Title: <Title>
Author: <authors>
Promoter: <authors or system promoting this PIP>
Discussions-To: <URL for discussion thread>
Status: <draft | abandoned | rejected | withdrawn | accepted | supported | superseded | replaced>
Supported: <system-ids that support it>
Type: <meta | feature | library>
Content-Type: text/markdown
Requires: <PIP numbers>
Conflicts: <PIP numbers>
Created: <date>
Replaces: <PIP number>
Superseded-By: <PIP number>

PIP Body

This is a suggestion of PIP body:

# Abstract

# Motivation and Rationale

# Main section(s)

Describe the proposal, design impact, alternatives, related work. If needed clearly specify out-of-scope ideas.

# Implementation

Details for implementation. This may point to external documents or reference implementations.

The copyright of the PIP is expected to be public domain. We encourage including an Acknowledgements section.

PIP Workflow and Lifecicle

The process to include a PIP in this repository is the following:

  1. Fork the PIPs repository.

  2. Create a new markdown file with a descriptive name (e.g., 0000-new-feature.md). Keep 0000 as PIP id for now. PIP may contain additional files under the 0000-new-feature/ directory.

  3. Submit your PIP via pull request (PR in GitHub) or merge request (MR in GitLab).

  4. A lightweight review will check that the proposal satisfies the requirements (like some evidence for support from a few Prolog systems), and assign you a PIP number. Rename your file(s) and update the PR/MR (e.g., 1234-new-feature.md, 1234-new-feature/).

  5. The PIP will start with a draft status and evolve as follows:

PIP Reviewers and Repository Moderators

(TBD) People responsible for reviewing changes and moderate updates in the repository.